Do you struggle with your weight? Do you feel like you’ve tried every available weight loss solution, without positive results? Check out these tips to finding the right solution for you.

Find The Underlying Cause

What made you gain the weight in the first place? There are a variety of reasons that people gain weight and figuring out your cause is the first step to getting the weight off for good. The following are a few common sources of weight gain.

  • Pregnancy obviously causes women to gain weight. After having a baby, it can be difficult to get the weight off that was gained during the pregnancy. However, there are some great resources for new moms that can help.
  • Emotional eating is another common problem for many people. It happens when we turn to food as a source of comfort. Those who are under a great amount of stress at work or at home and those who have experienced a trauma are likely candidates for becoming emotional eaters.
  • A physical disability can also be a cause of weight gain. Without the ability to move certain body parts, physical activity can feel impossible, leading individuals to a more sedentary lifestyle.
  • Finally, an underlying medical issue could be the source of weight gain. Often, these issues are hard to discover, but when the issue is found, the mysterious weight gain makes sense.

Ditch The Baby Weight

Women who are trying to lose the last few pounds leftover form pregnancy may feel easily defeated when the weight doesn’t come off. Recognize that many of the tactics used to lose weight pre-pregnancy may just not work anymore. Look for a mother’s group at your community center, church, or local gym to connect with other new moms. Share what works and what doesn’t and consider finding a trainer with experience working with moms.

Get To The Root Of The Problem

If you’re an emotional eater, the next step to losing weight successfully is to work through your issues and find new ways to cope. Visiting a counselor is the best way to talk out what’s going on in your life. Your mental health will improve and counselors will be able to provide you with tools for dealing with anxiety, depression, and stress that may have caused you to begin overeating.

Working Through Your Disability

Those who find it hard to engage in exercise due to a physical disability are not a lost cause. While it may slow you down and require some extra work, physical activity is still possible. Working with a physical therapist will get you moving and become a source of new exercises that will get you back on track.

Visit The Doctor

If other methods aren’t working, consider a visit to your doctor. From thyroid issues to diabetes to Cushing’s syndrome, there are many medical issues that can cause weight gain.The only way to stop weight gain is to get diagnosed and work with a doctor.

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